John Clune Constructions & Consulting

John Clune has been in the building game since the early 1980’s, 1983 to be exact. He started out in far north Queensland in Cairns. John worked mainly on Queenslander style homes, with their passive cooling by large verandas and ventilated eaves.

In 1999 John Clune Constructions Pty Ltd came into existence, also with a move to Sydney. There, we were predominately in the renovation market, transforming existing cottages into open-plan style with emphasis on the indoor/outdoor aspect of coastal living on the Sydney beaches. The next big move was back to Queensland, back to the fundamentals.

Softening your house’s carbon footprint can be achieved both actively and passively. The correct orientation, maximisation of breezes, the correct building material, solar panels and even wind-generated power, will all help in achieving a smaller footprint. We are striving for the best results at the lowest possible cost.

As a licensed building company, we specialise in consulting with clients, advising them of ways of improving their or their architect/builder’s design, recommending green suppliers, tradesmen and general concept advice, for a reasonable fee.

Being licensed in both NSW and Queensland, we can build whatever plans you want, from your own home to a three storey block of units (medium rise).

To this end, we can show you tangible results as my wife and I are in the process of building our own greener home.
